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Midweek Meditation Boost

Enjoy dedicated time for meditation and hear inspiring stories on living your truth and awakening heart on Midweek Meditation Boost held in person at Unity of Oak park on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 and available via Youtube Livestream.

We need to Recharge, Reconnect to return to Inner Peace and feel harmony in body, mind, spirit, and soul.

Midweek Meditation Boost is your opportunity to do just that. We do so through guided meditation, stillness, and learning tools and hearing stories for how to live from Truth!

You'll leave feeling inspired and excited about returning to your life, work, and relationships as your higher self. So you can be more present, positive, and you! There is no better way to be and within you is all you need to tap back in, return to love, and live your truth!

Subscribe to the Livestream here.

Learn more about the host Lindsay Ambrose.


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